Audio and Music


Audio Editing

Artists, Podcasters, Broadcasters, Music Producers, Educators, Ad firms, PR firms, Publishers, Game Developers...

We specialize

  • Cleaning/restoring, and sweetening up existing tracks.
  • Removing noise, sibilance, and artifacts.
  • Balancing and homogenizing clips that were recorded in different locations, under different conditions, and/or with different mics.
  • Slowing, or speeding up existing tracks, without changing pitch.
  • Pitch changing, while keeping the same tempos, and clarity.
  • Spoken word editing, (incl. correcting small mistakes)
  • Multilayering, and editing for ad spots
  • Syncing audio to video.

a3 ac3 aifc aiff au avi dig flac
frg iff ivc mat mkv mov mp3 m4a
mpg ogg opus pca rm sds smp
snd voc vox w64 wav wma wmv xac

When you need sound bytes prepared for broadcast, samples prepared for the studio, or the Internet, for film/video, music, games, or when you have any other audio editing need, Art of Pop will fulfill it; quickly, and with the highest quality. Low cost, and on schedule too!

Art of Pop LLC is an American company. We'll work remotely with individuals and companies, everywhere--as long as the content is legal in the United States. (Be advised: Neither Art of Pop, nor any of its employees, or agents may be held liable for any content you provide us that violates any laws, or treaties of the U.S.A.)

Give us a clear description of your project content and goal(s), so we may give you quote for your project:

Flat Fee: $50/hr.
Quoted Estimate

Music Mixing

Genres: Pop; Classic R&B; EDM; Jazz; Country; Inspirational; Alternative; and World.

Spoken: Audio Podcasts; Audiobooks; Video-synced Podcasts

Fee: $500/song.

Our process is simple:

  • You prepare and uplolad your files; along with notes informing us of your preferences regarding any sound(s), at any point in the song(s). Learn how to prepare your songs.

  • Send us links to them, along with a 20% deposit, (via PayPal).

  • When we're finished, we send you [a compound**] half of the song for your review.

  • If you're feeling it, you send us the remainder of the fee to download the finished mix. If there are tweaks to any of those preferences, we'll make them, and send you the updates. If they sound the way you'd like them to sound, then you send the remainder of the fee, and download the finished mix. [More than 2 tweaks on any song, we bill you $50/hr, with at least 1 hour being billed.]

You've done your best, and it shows. Allow our totally fresh, objective ears to give your hard work the impressive mix your music deserves.

* If you've recorded a driving electric guitar, with effects pedals, and you'd like the line-in recording of your guitar to sound like a specific guitar god's playing it, include an example of that person's performance, let me know what amp was used, and I'll match it as well at it may be matched via plug-ins/plugins. (It would help if you actually played a portion of the example with those guitar settings, and included it with the example. ALL INSTRUMENTALISTS: Let's say you're a clarinetist, and would like an end result to sound like a particular 1930's recording in a particular concert hall, send me an example, and include a self-performance of a portion of the example.)

** Portions of each section of the song that add up to half(ish) of the track's full playback time.

(20%/$500 per song)

Music Production


2303 Kennedy Street NE
Minneapolis, MN 55413 USA


Get in Touch

Fill out the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.


Best viewed on desktop/laptop.  

   © Art of Pop LLC. All rights reserved.