~ * ~ In the ocean, waaaayyy down deep, sometimes before one reaches that
place of Simplicity at the bottom, one may encounter very strong, crisscrossing,
silt producing and quixotic currents; sometimes even when the Simplicity is
within sight. In those times, one's sense of smallness and aloneness becomes
acute and the Shadow looms very largely. In those times, trusting the
"Gravity" of the One within Whom one Dwells will bring one to the
Simplicity (at the nexus between the conscious and the Unconscious) is the only
thing one can do - in those times, one's consciousness of the Consciousness is
like the small, but comforting Light within the personal "bathosphere"
that tells us our ship has not sprung a leak and the external forces, as
impressive as they may be, are not more powerful than the Force within
Whom/Which we ride. ~ * ~ The personal mind is a basin for the Ocean of the Universal Mind. Personal
consciousness is relative to the individual's relationship with the Ocean. In
your community, you can be a coastline, an inlet, a cove, a bay or a sea;
depending on how much of yourself (ego) you are willing to release in order for
the Ocean to fill you. ~ * ~ Working for an employer who regularly indicates that you’re not quite
good enough in one way or another can take years off your life. Living with a
spouse who does so likewise can take off decades. The emotional and
psychological toxicity arising from persistently living with such a person is a
poison that surely kills; first the spirit, gradually the body. Are you
courting suicide by relationship? ~ * ~ It's far better to surround yourself with people of low stature and high
character than to seek the company of rich, famous persons of low character. If
you're gonna seek the company of the rich and famous, choose your friends on
the basis of character, not the material. Choose only those of high character
(and only be so with them); when their wealth fluctuates, their friendship
won't. ~ * ~ The Otherworld is to the “real world” as the earth’s oceans are to its
land. The oceans are all around us, with vastly more area and life than there
is on land; far more is unseen than is seen. The Otherworld is likewise. Just
as galaxies form along lattices of dark [unseen] matter, so the real world
forms along lattices of the Otherworld. A “realist” who doesn’t accept this
Reality is self deluded. ~ * ~ Eliminate the boundary between your self and the Infinite. How? Use the
creative power of your imagination. Imagine yourself with all your inner
"stuff" in Space. Then, see the Source, as Love, flowing all around
and within you. Then, see Love dissolving all your stuff; see the stuff of you
disappear, leaving only you and Love. To see that is to experience it. To
meditate on that is to live in the Boundless. ~ * ~ Do not be afraid to make time to perceive your Truth. Do not be afraid
to represent your Truth. Do not be afraid to speak your Truth, (with kindness
and Love, not with the force of your will or ego.) Do not be afraid to live
your Truth. When you do experience such fear, (and you will, as you have), be willing
not to be so. Then, be not afraid; be your Truth. ~ * ~ How we experience 2012 is largely based on how we choose to experience
it. Choose fear and destruction and the universe will accommodate you. Choose
Love and Peace and the universe will accommodate you. ~ I choose Love. ~ * ~ Are you concerned about surviving "2012"? If you wanna insure you successfully transit that Crossroads then, imagining your life in 2013 might be a good starting point, today. ~ (Do not be afraid. Change.)
~ * ~ Remember, your words have power. Speak Love, health and success to your
body; your life will follow suit. ~ * ~ The universal word is clear; "No shit!! Wake the #^@% up or
die!" ~ * ~ If you're a rock star, paying bills by flippin' burgers, bustin'
concrete, shoveling manure [literal or otherwise] or listening to negative
minded people harp about their problems without accepting responsibility for
their solutions, be on stage; with your spatula, jackhammer, shovel, with full
receptivity and response to your audience. The stage WILL shift appropriately. ~ * ~ Imagine yourself in a large pool. Then, put the pool into a lake, then
the lake into an ocean. You're not the pool, lake or ocean; are You? Likewise,
you’re not your mind/thoughts, your psyche/emotions nor your body/sensations.
They're just personal resources for You to dynamically experience the universe.
They’re all subject to You. The understanding of this is the beginning of the
end of suffering. ~ * ~ Breathe. Deeeeeply. Again. One more. And again. Aaaahh, feeeeel that lightness?
Keep it up - you are lighter than all the heaviness that may be happening
around you right now. ~ * ~ Fear and Love cannot coexist. Make up your mind; we Love together or I
live in Love and you live in your fear. I'm gonna keep Loving, being Love and
living in the freedom of Love regardless of your choice(s). The fork in the
River is right there; the branches will not converge again, until they both
dissolve into the Sea, and that's far, far and a long time away. In which Way
are we flowing, now, today? ~ * ~ u are immortal. Are you going to accept it and live to the fullest, or
are you going to continue to believe that Death necessitates the cessation of
Life in your body? Remind every cell and every cell will act accordingly. ;)
[Just remember, you get out what you input.] ~ * ~ Do not mistake kindness for acceptance. ~ * ~ You are a spirit. You wear your body like your hand wears a glove. Your
body is yourself; your spirit is your Self.
That being understood, using your imagination, expand your spirit beyond your
body; see and feel your body within your Self. Then, with your spirit, hug your
body; (give yourself some Love.) Then, let the Divine Spirit hug you. ~ * ~ Be still, be quiet and just listen. ~ * ~ The most basic thing in life that you take for granted, like walking
safely in sunlight or eating a prepackaged sandwich, may be something that
could kill the apparently normal person standing next to you. What you complain
about not having, she might be deathly afraid of encountering. Compassion is
more than a virtue; it's a necessary social skill. ~ * ~ Some white men CAN jump. Not all black people like fried chicken. Many
Chinese really suck at math. A lot of Mexicans hate Mariachi music. There are
thin Samoans. Most Native Americans never see casino money. Some blonde women
are geniuses. Some crack heads are geniuses. No stereotype is universal. ~ * ~ Your dream; be it. [Approach everything you do and the way you do
everything as though you're living your dream fulfilled. Got a dull job while
your dream self is a rock star? Be your rock star and do the job as though
you're a rock star in a reality show > pay your bills > dream and live
your dream. Living it, the dream becomes real; otherwise, it's just a wish. Are
you wishing or being your dream?]